在县级医院,能做亲子鉴定吗?答案是肯定的。县级医院通常拥有相应的实验室和技术人员,能够进行亲子鉴定。但是,需要注意的是,县级医院 may not have the necessary specialized equipment or trained staff to perform an independent DNA test for family reunion or other legal purposes. However, there are several companies and organizations that offer DNA testing services in smaller cities and towns, and they may be able to assist with the test if needed.
In conclusion, if you need to perform an independent DNA test for family reunion or other legal purposes, you should consult with a qualified DNA testing company in your local city or town. These companies often have specialized equipment and trained staff, and they can provide you with all the necessary information and guidance to ensure the test is completed successfully.
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